Monday, December 21, 2009

New York City Day 2

December 04, 2009
Today we went on the subway to Harlem. I had so many stereotypes of what I thought it would be. I think some of them were true--but then again I wasn't there very long....
We went with the Relief Bus. We were handing out soup--but then Kaitlyn and I went to talk to a man named Angel. I think he was homeless.

His mother died on Thanksgiving day.

Friday he was getting picked up to go to her funeral. My assumption was that he was on drugs at some point of his life becuase he repeated himself alot. (which turned out to be a totally WRONG assumption--to read his full story check out the Relief Bus on Facebook and find Angel's video) Kaitlyn prayed for him. He really liked Pepsi--so Brad gave him a Pepsi and the biggest smile borke out on his facem.

We also met Juan. We found out he had a history in prison for killing his brother for raping his mother and later stabbin two people. He is HIV+ and the sickness is slowly killing him. It was from a drug needle. I don't feel like he had much hope--just making it through each day--just trying to survive.

It makes me wonder if his knowing of having HIV is killin him faster than he would if he didn't know. Such debilitating thoughts can sometimes kill you faster than a disease can.....

"let's just go ahead and be who we're meant to be...without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves to others...." Romans 12:5-6

Thursday, December 10, 2009

New York City Day 1.2

Thursday, December 03, 2009
Dear Jesus--We're in NYC! My favorite city in the world! I thank you Lord for the opportunity to be here. For this opportunity is from you. I thank you for being with us as we travel. I look around at all these teens down here in the hostel basement--all eating breakfast. Lord teach me how to love them. Father allow my heart to be open to you and to them. I pray for divine connections. I pray Lord that I'll stay focused upon you Jesus and the things you desire to happen Jesus. Help me to not focus upon my own needs but on the needs of the people. Help me Lord to just LOVE THEM. In you--Amen

Today we went to the Bronx to the World Vision Storehouse. We didn't venture to far into that part of the city so I didn't really get to see what the city looked like. It looked alot like the older party of Vandalia or Dayton. At this storehouse, everything is donated by different companies. Things from furniture all the way down to erasers for pencils! Then different churches and schools could come and get supplies for free. I never knew World Vision did that kind of thing too besides child sponsorships.

I worked with CJ from 10-2 unpacking boxes....

We then walked around the city and saw some of the sites. We saw Wall Street. While we were there, and once we got to that section of town, it was like the weight of currency and money floating around couldn't be ignored. Business people in suits were everywhere in a big hurry. With their tall skinny bodies, perfectly combed and shined hair, big shiny boots and long strides....The weight of the sin of greed was all around me.

We also went to the World Trade Site. It looked a lot different from what I thought it would be. I couldn't believe I was at the place where so many people lost their lives. It just brought tears to my eyes.

We went to the Top of The Rock. This was at the top of the Rockefeller Center. The view was amazing. I couldn't enjoy it as much because I missed Matthew so much up there. It just didn't seem right that he wasn't there with me to enjoy it side by side. I love this city, but I love my life with my husband more....and with Moey...I miss him!

Monday, December 7, 2009

New York City Day 1

"To my dearest wife, Love them. As you leave remember to love those you see and meet with. Show them the passion and gentleness of Jesus. I am faithful you will leave a mark on those people you come in contact with. Do not be afraid or worrysome, there are no reason for them. You will have a great time and enjoy getting to know the high school girls. They might have been going to New York for the Lord to show them something. You belong there this week! Love it....Love them...I love you!"
**a bookmark Matthew gave me before the trip that gave me alot of strength out on the field...

Just a couple days ago, Wednesday December 02, 2009, I loaded a bus full of 34 high school students and 6 other adults leaders, headed to New York City for the Ginghamsburg Student Ministry 2009 NYC mission trip. I had some fear, but I had a whole lot of excitement.

I've always loved New York City. It's like the song goes..."New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do, in New York, New York, New York!!!" There's always been something magical to me about New York City. The city just looks so different than any other city that I've been to. It even smells different.

I had some mixed feelings approaching this trip. With my job, I usually interact with middle school students. My involvement with the high school students, let alone the juniors and seniors is very limited. I usually only see then pass through my office headed to Nick's. I have a very hard time trusting and connecting with people that I don't know. How am I going to connect with these students? In a city that I haven't been to in 10 years?

How am I going to love the people of NYC when I've found my life for the past couple of years has been focused on myself and the problems and circumstances that have faced Matthew and I for the first four years of our marriage. Honestly, my last mission trip was to Amsterdam, Holland...that was 4 years ago. My mind hasn't been in the spirit of serving people of a different city. Lord how am I going to do this?

But God is always good....he supplies all of our needs...and he's in the work of changing peoples hearts....more to come soon....stay tuned