Wednesday, March 12, 2008

big nerd...bookworm....or albert einstein?

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Matt and I were talking the other day on the car ride to my parents about how others may view me. The sun was shining sooo brightly, even though the ground was blanketed with snow. The heater in the car was on full blast, despite the objections of the driver. And it was a lazy Sunday afternoon.

I brought up the topic of my characteristics, the things I enjoy doing, and how others may view me because of my personality. I started to list some things that I enjoy doing and on paper, may disguise me as: old lady trying to occupy my time
2.a child who just can't put a book down
3. or someone without a life, and tries to fill up her life with things to do.
4. or someone that's really cool that has an exciting private life, and thinks others are missing out.

Now before you start objecting, or agreeing....let me tell you the list of things that I enjoying doing. Be warned, they may sound odd. But I like them.

1. cross stitching
2. reading
3. finding new crafts to try out
4. scrapbooking
5. knitting until my shoulders get too tight and I can't feel my biceps and triceps
6. making unique cards and notes from the mounds of scrap paper I won't dare throw away.
7.looking for houses online...and not just any kind of houses...ones that have CHARACTER. Builders nowadays just don't seem to grasp that concept anymore. I think it's slipped out of their vocabulary.
8.hanging out with my dog, enjoying our many conversations, even if it is only a wag of the tail, and a tilt of the head.
9.reading and more reading
10.riding my bike with my basket on the front

Now, please let me explain!! I know that I may sound like the dullest, insecure person who doesn't have a life!! But I think my life is pretty exciting despite the fact of how it may appear. I LOVE to read. The other day a friend asked why Matt and I walked to the library. I just looked at her completely stunned. It was as if she had never heard of a library before and if she had, was completely unaware of the treasure it holds. Think about it, really think about. Look at all those books. Each telling a different story. When you read, it opens up your imagination. It allows you to go places that others aren't going. Even thought Matt and I don't have a whole lot of money to travel to distant places, I'm going to a new place everytime I sit down with my coffee on the couch, my familiar pillow behind my head, and my fleece blanket tucked under my feet. I'm going somewhere YOU aren't going. I'm traveling alot!!

Knitting and cross-stitch you say?! Love it! I love creating things that were never there before. I've already created over 3 large cross-stitch images (over 8" x 10") and I hope to create more in the near future. I'm working on one of a Sudanes girl and I hope at the auction at Ginghamsburg this Christmas it will raise alot of money for The Sudan Project. It may be considered a "lost" or "old folks" craft, but I think I'm changing lives by it. The money from the selling of the picture could save someone's life.

I may be boring, an old fuddyduddy, but I find my life exciting. Some days I get really down on myself, the frustrations and hurts that are in our lives currently. But I'm makin it one stitch at a time, one page after another. Life really is exciting!

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