Tuesday, July 10, 2007

you don't care a bit...no you don't care a bit....

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I've always had a deep desire to care for the earth. Having a deep passion to take care of animals and giving them good homes and great environments. Through alot of the research that I've done on my own, and also what has been on the television about global warming and the environment, I've have begun to realize that care of the environment is one of my core values. I've been told that the things that matter most to you are the things that infuriate you when it's misused or there is an injustice that is taking place. The issue of our environment and the earth is definetly something that I hold dear to my heart, it's also something that drives me crazy when people purposely don't care about it either. Or they live in denial that these things are really happening....Why has our culture become so apathetic? Why do Christians only live for themselves? I have come in contact with many Christians lately who just don't care. It's become appartent to me as well that I have a very selfish side to myself. We all want nice things, but it's when we try so hard to get them that is the problem. Are we hurting other people to get what we want? Are we hurting God's creation? Are we endagering animals?

I found these pictures on the internet recently. Of course these would never be printed on the front page of a newspaper. It broke my heart to see that the way that I used to live my life has done this to these animals. I also heard watching the {LIVE EARTH} concert over the weekend that in as little as 50 years, the polar bears could be extinct. How sad. I really believe that God never intends for us to live this way. Do we even care what God thinks and how He designed us to be?

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1 comment:

mrbrubakerandlife said...

this just goes to show that those of you out there saying the earth isnt changing, well you're wrong...some really sad pictures...
