And then one follows the other one
And then another follows the other one
Next thing you know you got a billion
People doing some wonderful things
People doing some powerful things
Let's change and do some powerful things
Unity could be a wonderful thing
**Black Eyed Peas**
Our home group is going through a series right night called "Go Fish" by Andy Stanley. I've always known that what really, I mean REALLY matters to God is not the time that we have on this earth, but the eternity that we get to spend with Him. Andy talks about how we as Christians focus on what happens during our lives. We focus on the time spend between being born and the time spend before we die. Andy shares that we shouldn't live within these bounds.
Am I really living for eternity?
I've been struggling for a long time now about what my purpose is for God and how He wants me to be used to glorify Him. Should we really do overseas missions? Or should we stay in America and settle? I've been searching for great books to try to help me see God's perspective a little more. I'm reading the famous "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren and I'm on day 4. Rick writes:
"There are eternal consequences to
everything you do on earth.
Every act of our lives strikes some chord that
will vibrate in eternity." (pg 38)
Powerful stuff.
What am I doing? What am I REALLY doing? Today, this week, this month. The song lyrics above talks about it just taking "one" and eventually there is a "billion". Is God trying to use me to be that "one"? Even if He isn't...shouldn't we all strive to be that "one" ??
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