I've been learning alot through spending time outdoors lately. We take our pup, Mo, on a walk at the Englewood Metropark at least once a week. On a couple of those adventures, I've been deep in thought as we walked side by side, stopping about every 10 yards for a quick squirt! God started revealing in my heart as I pondered my past experiences that everything, in some way or another was constructed by his hands.
That out of conrol bush over there...yeah God wanted it to grow there..... .......the multicolored miniature leaves forming in that puddle on the side of the trail....yep, he contructed those with the tips of his fingers.......the nasty grub that is crawling in the dirt......he placed it there to eat the harmful organisms growing precisily in that spot.....the wildflowers growing on the crest of the cliff.....those were his polka dots placed where life shouldn't grow. His hand is in everything!
Everything that Matt and I have experienced have been crafted in the palm of his hand. And for those harmful situations---where i struggled to find a job and have contentment for three years....the many times Matt struggled to take his praxis and ultimately get his certification.....the many, MANY fights we had that first year that honestly caused us to scream at each other that we desired to get a divorce more than be married because the pressure was just to much for 23 year olds to bear....he used them to make us who we are today.
"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect." 1 Corinthians 15:10
When I study this verse I don't see the "I am what I am" as being something lofty because I know where I could be....and by God's grace thankfully I'm not what I could of been.
I sit in our backyard sometimes and stare at our "spaceship" with all of our perennials. I started to think about what the bulbs look like deep in the earth, and then how radically different the plant looks after it has burst through the soil reaching for the sun. It really doesn't make sense. How do normal round onion like bulbs make hyacinth? How do little twigs make lilies? How do small stems make beautiful roses? How do little round balls turn into beautiful spiky purple pom poms? ....it's the work of God's hands....and it's the work of the plants looking to the only source that can change what they are.